All roads have led me to translation...

C'est avec la plus grande joie que je rejoins les rangs de l'École de Traduction Littéraire fondée par Olivier Mannoni afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux du monde de l'édition et le fonctionnement de la chaîne du livre.
After 12 years of sound professional experience, I decide to create Garance Traduction in order to work in accordance with my principles and in close collaboration with my clients!
I join Scripta Manent/CB Service, a Swiss translation agency which offers premium quality services and applies a double-reading principle, as a translator-reviewer.
I learn how to work efficiently at this challenging position: I primarily translate and revise editorial texts, communication materials, technical documents for numerous Swiss clients (companies, federal offices, associations, etc.) established in various fields, such as communication, advertising, environment or energy.
I quickly manage a diversified client portfolio and receive training in the use of CAT tools.

After completing my Master’s degree in editorial, economic and technical translation in English and German from the École supérieure d’interprètes et de traducteurs, I gain inspiring job experience at Arte France.
I begin the translation program of ESIT with English-German as language combination.
During my studies, I complete a two-month internship at the Gide Loyrette Nouel international law office.
In 2007, I work at the Französisches Institut in Cologne, Germany, for a semester.
After completing my Bachelors’s degree in applied languages from the Université de la Sorbonne (Paris IV), I become a French assistant at McDaniel College (Westminster, MD, USA): during one year, I organize events for the French House, live on campus and follow a course program as an authentic freshman!